Friday, February 17, 2012

Your Daily Bulimia Help on Facebook & Bill of Rights Self Esteem Booster For Bulimia Recovery

Hello Bulimia Busters!

How is your Bulimia recovery coming along ?

If you are lacking in some daily injections of inspirations to quit bulimia.. then check out my Facebook Page Free Eating Disorder Awareness Week Help , specially allocated to help sufferers like you get that free incentive to seek treatment advice, recover with the right kind of advice, tips, hints, and provoking thoughts without cost being the issue.
So it's all FREE!!!

This daily tips, advice, strategies and inspirations are available right thorough the month of February and through till the 10th of March DO take advantage of it now .

I also have another little bonus for you, to build, increase and boost your self esteem, personal skills, whilst working on your eating disorder treatment, seeking help with eating, and figuring out how to be assertive in your every day life. Watch this short video on Personal Bill of Rights you ought to practice daily to improve self esteem and body image you can once again learn to love you for who you are, without bulimia dis-empowering you!

I wish you great joy in being YOU and a speedy recovery!

With warm wishes
Vathani Navasothy
ps: Remember to register for your Free Bulimia Recovery Q&A

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2012 - Free Help For Bulimia

International Eating Disorder Week 2012 -Your Help

“Your FREE Daily Face Book Help & 3 Opportunities To Feel Better!”

In aid of the Eating Disorder Awareness Week 27th of February - 3rd March 2012, I have started to offer you Daily Tips, Strategies, Advice and Inspirations on Face Book Page Eating Disorder Awareness Week - Your Help. As well as two free teleseminars and one free Drop-in Day.

DO look me up on FB to benefit from DAILY Tips and make sure you sign up for the free webinars on Tuesday 28th and Thursday 1st March bulimia dilemma, struggles so I can offer you advice, tips and strategies for your treatment & recovery.

Teleseminar will be held on Tuesday 28th @ 8pm –9pm GMT/ 3pm EST/12pm PST. This 60minute free call is intended for sufferers, loved ones, and professionals
working with Eating Disorders. The call will offer you information, advice, and guidance on any conditions such as Anorexia, Bulimia or Binge eating including
Orthorexia , food phobias and Obesity.
To register go to:
Or click on the link below:

If you suffer from Bulimia, and looking to start your new life with professional bulimia help, then the 2nd teleseminar on Thursday 1st of March @ 8pm GMT/ 3pm EST/ 12pm PST is for you. It will look at your Bulimia recovery in detail with tips and strategise to help you move forward without overeating or the need for any
compensatory behaviours. To register go to:
or click on the link below:

You can post your question and have it answered on the call, without even needing to take active part in it. You have the flexibility of listening to these
free eating disorder Q&A calls via telephone or webcast (internet) options.
* Recordings will be provided if you register.

Date: Wednesday 29th February 2011
Time: 9am – 9pm GMT (By appointments only)
Booking: Call 00 44 0208 653 7177 or e-mail:
Eating Disorder Clinic (UK):
Awakening Dawn, in Thornton Heath, Croydon CR7 (Zone 4)
You can also take advantage of skype based session, no matter where you are in the WORLD! Advance booking essential)
Open to friends, family and sufferer of an eating disorder .
Information, support and advice available throughout the day.
Please book your one hour appointment in advance to avoid any double booking.

Life is too short to wonder "what life would be like without your bulimia " take action now & feel better sooner !

With warm wishes


Vathani Navasothy
ED Specialist, Counsellor, Bulimia Self Help Author, Group Facilitator, Webinarian/Teleseminarian, Trainer & Key note speaker