Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Winter Blues, Chaotic Bulimia & Your 7 Day Bulimia Stabilizer challenge

 Dear Recovery Hopeful, 

Hope this growing colder weather finds you well and in good form ?  

It is usual to see a dip in our blood Endorphin & Serotonin, that makes us all feel depressed around the darkening days..but with added challenge of binging & purging of bulimia or over exercising to keep ahead of weight gain , your challenge becomes that much harder. 

Knowing this, I have decided to run the 7 Day Bulimia Stabilizer Challenge using the  BULIMIA HOPE facebook page, I created not long ago. This behavioral and cognitive  challenge was a great success the 1st time around back in September, so I want to help you gain some control back again at a time, most sufferers could do with that extra help, support, and therapeutic guidance if you are still needing it ? Especially from someone who's been treating bulimia sufferers world over for the past 10 years, may reassure you, knowing you are in good hands! 

Please visit : Bulimia Hope FB Page to pick up your daily challenge and instructions over the next 7 days and beyond!

Challenge Start  Date : Wednesday 31st of October  although you can start from any time you wish - my recommendation IS to follow with me to gain some momentum and support with the relevant daily tasks and challenges. 

You can always mail me any specific question or dilemma at : Vathani@bulimiahope.com Or connect to me via my new Twitter account : @VathanisWords. 

* To get you thinking about you, just work out what it would take to own this statement away from hours lost to current bulimic trends

In the mean time do jot me a line and let me know how you are doing, and if there's anything I can do to help you progress along..please get in touch :-)

Here's wishing you well always 
With warmest wishes
Vathani Navasothy
Bulimia Specialist, Counsellor, Group/ Workshop facilitator, Self-help Author, Webinarian , Motivational Speaker
Useful Bulimia You Tube videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/BulimiaHope
0208 653 7177 (Dial +00 44 if calling from outside of UK)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bulimia, Weight Stigma Awareness Week, Your Q&A Solution Webinar With Vathani Navasothy - Eating Disorder Specialist

Your Free Webinar Q&A Solutions :This Thursday 27th September @ 9pm-10pm UK / 4pm-5pm EST / 1pm-2pm PST

This week marks the 2nd annual Weight Stigma Awareness Week (Sept 23rd - 29th)..initiated by Binge Eating Disorder Association. 

The Awareness week hopes to dispel any misconception, stigma, discrimination that goes on around us all the time : be it at your work or home in even the most personal relationships , let alone the school bullying our children face due to their size or weight - prompting them to eat maladaptively and entering 
in to an "ON OFF " diet cycles and eventually give way to eating disorders ! 

A world probably very familiar to you, if you are already  reading my Bulimia Hope Blog. 

Here's your chance to join me LIVE : Vathani Navasothy, 
some one specializing in Eating Disorders like Bulimia & Obesity this Thursday ..and make a stance for a change , help your self or your loved one from these harmful effect, as I walk you through some simple strategies that can help your current situation or that of a loved one ! 

I invite you to share your dilemma confidentially, as I would dearly love to offer you specific tools, solutions and recommendation to your personal situation .
Here are just some suggestion areas for your questions :
* Causes of Obesity & Eating Disorders like bulimia
* Child Obesity & Bullying
* Toxic Relationships & your Body Image
* Work Weight Discrimination & your Options
* Body Empowerment -Your Self Care & Self Esteem Tips
* Effective communication & Assertiveness ....& more based on your question's needs!

LIVE Event on: 
Date: Thursday 27th 
Time : 9-10pm UK (4pm-5pm EST/ 1pm -2pm PST)
To get the Telephone dial number : Please mail me
To post Question in CONFIDENCE AND or to join me LIVE click:


NB: Save & Click the above link, even if you are unable to make the LIVE webinar ! No opt is required on this occasion.
Recording will be available instantly for 7 days . I can still answer your question, if you post it in time before 7pm this Thursday. So don't miss the opportunity to ask & be helped with a dilemma or two ! Thank you.

If you want to access this event details: look me up on Facebook Event :  https://www.facebook.com/events/369032039842636/

With warmest wishes 


Vathani Navasothy
Adv Dip Eat.Disor; Dip Obesity Mgnt; MSc. BSc; Dip Couns; CertHyp; AAMET Practitioner; Dip Spo.Psy
Bulimia / Eating Disorder & Body Image Specialist

www.BulimiaHope.com (FB Page: "Bulimia Hope" )
www.AwakeningDawn.com (FB Page: "Hope.Apply.Change")

Binge Eating Disorder Association's website :

Friday, September 21, 2012

Does Your Head Feel Chaotic with Bulimia, Your Life Disorganized & Stressed?

Eating Disorder like Bulimia will make you head hurt with chaos and it's not long before you slip in to disorganized life full of stress!

Hello Bulimia Beaters!

Weekend is another addition to your usual bulimia chaos and then some more !
Am I right ? In the absence of week day structure, there's no telling how erratic your binging and purging becomes with added stress of social pressure and family commitments !

When your head feels chaotic and disorganized , what is the 1st behaviour that you turn to , in order to numb out the stress ? Excessive binging and purging, exercising manically, abusing the laxative that is pilling on the number of tablets each time, or other form of self indulgence or distraction ..so you don't have to give it much thinking space that often makes you feel guilty, ashamed, or angry with your own self !
Now add to this your perfectionist streaks of wanting things to be right and perfect the first time..and knowing at times it wont make the grade reinforcing the sense of failure even more .

Sound familiar ?

We often reach out for the quick fixes.. rather than actually resolving or dissolving the burden that weighs us down. Instead we opt to suppress it..hoping it will go away.. but bulimia makes sure that it NEVER truly  does! Pressure builds up, and more compounding effects piles on, result is only too easy.. more of the very bulimia behaviors you hoped you wouldn't need ! Toxic cycles of the disorderly eating, feeling, thinking continues.

Here's a suggestion, when your head starts to swim in all direction and you find your self starting to drown in the bulimic chaos of what you have to do each day ..here are some areas you can focus on to bring back a  sense of Solid ground under you when your bulimia overwhelms you:

  • Take Time out for Self Care 
         - Even 5-10mins away helps!
  • Still your mind in a quiet place & Breathe ! 
         - So easily forgotten..we become a ball of tight mess!
  • Master Time Management 
        - Knowing the difference between urgent and important is a skill.
  • Be Realistic about your daily expectations 
        - That means avoid cramming more than you can chew!
  • Be OK to leave out a task for another day 
       - Let go of perfectionist steak, to have all done TODAY!
  • Ask for Help or Support from a Lovedone 
       - We don't have to do it alone.. no shame in asking either.
  • Instead of bulimic quick fixes, turn to developing your self & skills 
       - Invest in your self.You're worth it!

Rest will come when you start to nail the above, I promise! 

Each day is a learning curve..so rather than letting the gem of what you learnt yesterday be forgotten, make a plan each day ..so you KNOW what you WILL do different today, tomorrow and any time in the future ! 
That comes with making a conscious process of logging your self growing daily away from bulimia .. be it on a self journal ..diary...a  note , a letter .or text to your self ....method isn't important...but the doing is the key! 

Stay well ..& have a great Friday ahead of your successful weekend ! 

I'll be writing to you soon! 

With love & best wishes 
Vathani Navasothy

www.BulimiaHope.com (for Counselling and therapeutic services )
www.facebook.com/BulimiaHope - for your weekly therapeutic help from me, a Bulimia Specialist 
www.youtube.com/user/bulimiahope  - for helpful videos on your Bulimia Recovery and Bulimia Treatment

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Raving Hype & Raspberries Diet Claims on Media like Facebook and Google !

If you are reading this, you are either curious about the diet claim associated with our Adele having lost 2 stones oweing to recent diet or interested on some level about the truth about the benefits for Raspberries for it’s true merits. Then you have come to the right place ! 

You know September has arrived when you are bombarded with diet adverts once again all over the media , just in time to make their killing from you for Christmas ! Read on!

Have a Facebook account or surf the net and use Google a lot.. then this is something you have already seen, praying on your vulnerability to want to lose some more pounds or stone.. 

The implication that Adele ever even followed any diet involving raspberries is just as vague and false as their ever changing raspberry pill name changes. The last thing we need is the likes of Dr Oz publically seen to be supporting this and hyping this to be the miracle cure for all! 
Ok bit of about the suspect in question: Raspberries!!!
Raspberry had many traditional use and these traditions world over still practiced:

In China, they used it for it’s cleansing properties of liver and kidneys, so it resulted in blood toxins being cleaned out.
Far East also used this to treat men’s concerns over impotence, premature ejaculations.
Ripe berries used for eye sights, whilst unripe berries mimicked Oestrogen effects so benefited female sex organs.
In ancient practices it was your recommendation for excessive urination or irregular menstrual cycle. If you suffered from anaemia, or want to bring about labour during childbirth.. then the richness of Ironin the berries helped.
Western herbalism uses raspberries to help Indigestion and Rheumatism .

We now know it does reduce the effects of pollution and tobacco induced cancers thanks to the neutralizing effects of  Ellagic acid on cancer causing substance . Provides rich Iron and stimulants for childbirth as well as acting as a powerful Antioxidants to prevent premature cell damage..Most berries do this too .

Effects of phytonutrients like Quercetin, Lutein, Myricertin and Ellagic acid with their antioxidant properties found in our raspberries are influential in reducing our Heart Diseases, and many types of Cancer.

The rich source of Vitamin C Potassium and Tannic acid in the berries not only helps to boost our immune system but also fight any viral infection.

The appeal of Rasberries in weight controlling diet is this: They are rich in fibre yet low in calories(25 calories for every 100g of raw berries.. SAME as other berries like Blueberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Loganberries and so on).  Gooseberries are the only berry type that has more , closer to 54 calories per 100g of berries.
Remember out of this 100g, our Raspberries will owe it’s 87g of it’s weight to simply water.. just like other berries so what you get in not going to show on your scale !
I can tell you that it being the sweetest of all the berries , it’s appeal to hit that sweet craving spot is what partly makes the whole low-fat diet claims sooo appealing..so people are not going to object..
Otherwise there’s not much in it when compared to other berries..which are all classified these days as part of the Super Food title for their additional benefits.

Your 100g portion will give you 16% of your Folate requirement and 80% of your Vitamin C daily requirement.. so there are not down shot to this fruit unless you happen to be pregnant and  you took high dose of childbirth easing raspberry infusion when you are in your early stages of pregnancy that could result in premature contraction of your uterus wall. You could abort your baby .

So now let me BUST those claims they are making about the Raspberry Ketone based diet Pill ingredient when combines with colone cleansing pill , one by one : 1st their claim below

"SlimTone" Raspberry Ketone has been clinically proven to:

  • 4 Times More Weight Loss Than Diet and Exercise
  • Boosts Energy
  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Promotes Cardiovascular and Digestive Health
Unless you see research numbers starring at your face with digits with carefully controlled CONTROL study over LONG period of time.. the very beginning of their claim is something you ought to take with a pinch of mega salt!
You also don’t know if their clinical trial consisted on mere 50 people or 50000 people to make it scientifically just !

After all even 30 people out of the 50 claiming they saw or felt difference would look very solid on paper because they would form their significant 50% of their sample population !!!

For any clinical study to be worthy of it’s claim to the general population without misleading on false hope..it has to have thousands of volunteers with blind study in comparison.  My 1st degree in physiology taught me this very basic human courtesy! You don’t even need that..but just your common sense will scream out this TRUTH!

  • 4 Times weight loss than Diet and Exercise : Lets look at this, shall we?.. WHRE is the evidence as proof? Bunch of small time  lab gimmick: blown up balloon in nitrogen tub infront of Dr oz's audience is NOT my proof for this hard claim without revealing to me the exact numbers, control stats, long term sustainability of that weight loss.. Nor should this be your proof people ! Demand more before you ring in your credit card to order your crates of synthetic tablets with just high dose of raspberry extracts! You can get that by going to your local super market and stocking up from your fruit counter. 2ndly, long term studies, I mean 50year long studies with all the parameters ticket off has already shown us what factors contributes to healthy weight loss and keep the weight off for life.. so this splash in the pan out of weight loss desperation motives shouldn’t cloud your judgement or ability to delve a little more . You owe your body and mind that!
  • Boosts Energy
Of course it’s going to!  Over few weeks, when we having lost that extra weight due to body’s water loss .. psychologically we are going to subjectively and objectively feel the lighter us.. this is TURE for any quick fix diets you embark on.. not unique to Raspberry keton diet. Notice they are even having to hitch a ride on colon cleansing tablets to make it all worth while for any victim tempted to buy..Ethical Bribe.. in a form of something that already reputed to hit a nerve for most us.. You are better off either cleansing your colon on a regular basis your self through fruit acid rich food or go get a Colonic clean out !  

  • Rich in Antioxidants: I have already established this above.. and to drive home my point, these exist in abundance in MOST if not all berries! 

  •  Promotes Cardiovascular &  Digestive Health :Promotes Cardiovascular & Digestive Health : Again this is established ..and true of all berries  with their goodness , nutrients, and high fibre content ..not just Raspberry in question. They wouldn’t owe it to this pill..but general nature of the benefit of most berries, due to it’s additional perks in maintaining health and aiding healing or preventing ill health. Not unique to their pill ingredient alone!

Ok I think I am done on the physical aspects.. let me begin on their hidden false claim approaches on a more psychological nature..just like ALL other short lived DIETS that never has the longevity one usully hopes for when taking out their credit card or cash out!

  • Psychological euphoria attached to their wild frenzy on FB and media everywhere – these are target market , intended for a short bust of high visibility. Otherwise known as Gorilla Marketing .. what’s the impact of having seen this type of subliminal impressions? You are more likely to BUY with more impression they buy and get you to be associated with!
  • Positive packaging : Don’t be fooled ! Throwing wild claims at the back of something that is already GOOD in it’s nature or nutrient allows them the right to appear virtuous when theirsmall print between their claim is the one is major question.. IF you were to challenge it, they can very easily re-quote on the virtues of Raspberries..and you would be silenced.. but ask them on the claim of weight loss over long term..they be stunned in to silenced by YOU ! 
  • Psychological Dependency ; Fostering sense of lack of self efficacy  from within: As I therapy this one is very close to my heart! Each time you embark on a gimmick diet .. you are entering it with the belief that you don’t have the control over weight, when truth couldn’t be future ! You are in effect trusting in a source outside of you, for redemption and not appreciate it is more of what you are and what you do that will make the long term difference to your appearance , weight and self esteem. Each time you buy , try and fail..you are reinforcing the sense of failure and your own distorted view that you are beyond help! Do you really need another diet to amplify what you don’t wish to feel about your self ? 
  • Implication of another diet like this to you bulimia recovery , is even more conflicting.. as you would be popping pills on one hand, but on the other hand conflict of believing it to be healthy, but you are far better of even binging on hundreds of punnets of raspberries from your local supermarket! 

Ok I have started.. but no where near finish.. so I may have to continue this on another blog to you.. ! 

Don't let the Raspberry team blow Raspberries at our naivety Bulimia Beaters!
Have a great day !


Vathani Navasothy
Bulimia Specialist @ http://www.BulimiaHope.com

Thursday, August 23, 2012

BULIMIA STABILIZER - Your 7 Day Challenge - Starts NOW!!!

Hello Lovely Bulimia Beaters!

Hope the summer has been fruitful and your bulimia recovery is flowering beautifully with vibrant hope and happy moments?

If the summer so far has left you feeling disillusioned, despairing and darn right disgusted with your self and your progress..then this free 7 Day quest  called BULIMIA STABILIZER CHALLENGE may be the kick you are looking for, in order to stabilize your chaotic ways, bring down the binging and purging, boost up the sense of peace away from anxiety and make you be on your way to a "Bulimia STABLE start" in time for the 1st of September!

Curious? Then visit my Bulimia Hope page on Face Book TODAY..join the community and grab your Orientation Instructions NOW !

Start Date of the 7 Day Bulimia Stabilizer Challenge : 24th of August 2012

Daily Quest with specific therapeutic tasks, will be given on this Community page forum..so you can take action against your Bulimia.

Mike Melville once said : “ What you want to do, and what you CAN do, is limited only by what you can dream”. . .  If you have ever dreamed of a better place in your life bulimia free.. then take the chance.. take the challenge and start changing for the better NOW! 

See you on the other side !

with much love & warm wishes 


Vathani Navasothy

You Tube: Bulimia Hope 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Your Bulimia Summer Recovery: Fire Up The Barbie – Or Fire Barbie!

Hot sizzling barbie (BBQ) on fire, browning the marinated meat in something delicious – wafting smell, unmistakable reminder of abundant array of food available in the scene. Be it a beach side gathering of a few  or back garden family soirĂ©e of many – scantily clad bodies seem to be all around you, warm weather cheque mating you with no where to hide in layers of clothes. Summer is without a doubt the most tormenting time of the year for any eating disorder sufferer trying to recover anywhere!

Summer comes with holidays or vacation time with school, college or even work offering you no redemption in the “structure” that used to keep you, your bulimia or binges and purges at a somewhat manageable pace! Minutes, hours and days now at your disposal – your thoughts of food, eating, loathing of your body all gets in to hyper drive! You may logically conclude others are happier, more at peace and able to enjoy their life somehow more than you with self and with others. Yet to you spending the time with your self or family and friends comes with dread or anxiety that plummets you back down to more chaos and more gruelling disorderly ways.

You force your self to interact; turn up to parties, summer wedding or any social gathering – your heart is not in it – your mind is million miles away.. in to comparison of how things are not with you or how it is with others. “People pleaser” and “approval seeker” in you, works over time. Perfectionist in your strives for the Barbie proportions of your flatter stomach, skinnier thighs, slimmer frame, prettier or more pleasing face. In your mind the list goes on and on, tapping in to despair, depression and detrimental vicious cycles only too familiar to you.

Q: Isn’t it time you picked up the mythical Barbie-wannabe idealism and inflicted prison sentence and threw it in to the scorching flames of the summer Sun?

The crazy frenzy of insecurities, chaotic obsessions and compensations has robbed you of many summers in the past! Isn’t it time, you went against the grain of your bulimic ways and fired up that old you? The one that was in touch with reality, who knew what moment to moment happiness of summer was all about. That younger version of you long before bulimia, who knew how to sit among sun-tanning amigos and welcome the fun, freedom and fantastic times of unstructured adventures of the days in the sun!

You may hopelessly admit defeat, muttering that you “Don’t know how to be that old you anymore!” Not knowing how to embrace life again and making the most of every  summer, like eating disorder never even happened. All seems so long ago now!

Well here are 6 tips to step in to that Confident older You:
1)      Reduce anxiety by planning ahead of time for events, outings and socials
2)      Take time out to self care. More relaxed you are the better you’ll handle  situations, people , food issues and bulimia better.
3)      Make a weekly schedule with enjoyable events as well as planned unstructured time to condition you to expect the unexpected.
4)      Seek out daily inspirational things you can do and enjoy .
5)      Catch up on things you’ve always been putting aside ..but never get around to doing. Sense of accomplishment and satisfaction will be such a feel good tonic!
6)      Each night pick 3 things you are thankful for happening or attributes in you for making it happen. Gratitude ensures balanced mind away from toxic thoughts. 

Social situation that involves eating food, drinking or meeting up with difficult people could have triggers written all over for you. Be prepared to face some of these with the right knowledge or approach so you can grow out of bulimia.
If you would like to know how to deal with your specific feelings, behaviours over interactions with others, as well as food trigger situations around summer – then join me this Thursday 26th July 2012, for some specific strategies, tips and useful approaches that can be resourceful rather than avoid summer or life all the time.

You can access this free 50 minute Summer Strategies Webinar at 9pm UK , 4pm EST, 1pm PST. Register and get your call details as well as the LIVE recording ..so if you are unable to make the call, you can listen in your own free time.

For now enjoy your summer!

With warm wishes

       For more help Go to : http://www.BulimiaHope.com 

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Bulimia Treatment :12 Week Self-Help WITH Support - Starts on 12th March

12 Week Bulimia Self Help WITH Support Program - Your Free Webinar Tour TODAY

Do you like the independence of the Bulimia Self Help Program gives you, but need the professional bulimia guidance for support and guidance at a time and interval that makes more sense to you?

Then this 3 Months CBT based recovery Program may be the right fit you are looking for in a progressive therapy.

Intro Webinar Date: TODAY (Thu) 8th March @ 8pm GMT. The launch webinar is then accessible on the same "link" till Monday 12th of March as a replay.

Come along and find out more for your own self or listen to reply! It's that simple !

Remember LIVE intro webinar is between 8pm & 9pm on the 8th of March ONLY, where you can ask questions or query you have about the Program & get an instant answer!

Time: 8pm GMT/ 3pm EST/ 12pm PST

Course starts : 12th March 2012 at 8pm GMT; 12pm PST; 3pm EST

Your 12 Weekly supportive and therapeutic course, with Self Help e-book CBT program allows you to follow your own time with the exercises, while weekly group webinar guidance from me , a bulimia specialist helps you propel forward and iron out any blocks you may come across in your recover.

Attend this webinar and find out more in depth about the special features you will benefit from :

* Unlimited e-mail support (1-2-1)

* One hour 1-2-1 call with Vathani

* Weekly 60mins webinar calls with your own Bulimia Therapist (+Recordings)

* Numerous Weekly "How to Videos"

* Audios (tools: Hypnosis/NLP etc )

* PDFs useful handouts and worksheets along side the CBT book it self

* 24hr access to all the downloadable MP3s, and

* Much more bonuses to cure your bulimia, without weight gain that builds resilience to relapse!

Let me take you step by step with effortless self discoveries, in a small group setting , while maintaining your space , speed and selective preferences for your recovery.

@ 8pm GMT Click link: Your Free Webinar Tour - 12 Week Bulimia Self Help WITH Support Program

Do join me for this Tour webinar with Q&A & I look forward to showing you some features with benefits to you - and answer any question you may have for me on this LIVE call !

With warm wishes


Vathani Navasothy



0044 0208 653 7177

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Bulimia Treatment & Recovery Q&A FREE Webinar TODAY!

On this 5th Day of the International Eating Disorder Awareness Week, I am holding a free Webinar : All about your Bulimia Recovery Questions from people like you and my recommendations, solutions, techniques, tips and strategies to help you recover effortlessly.

Make sure you are able to make it !

Time : 8pm GMT/ 12pm PST / 3pm EST
Click here to join me LIVE on this Bulimia Q&A or to access recording of the event

All you have to do is to make it useful to you by,
posting me your question on your bulimia recovery struggles or challenges! Couldn't be simpler !

So don't miss this as I walk you through some simple yet effecting bulimia management and solutions on today's call..

In addition , the
bulimia program tour on 8th of March on Bulimia Self Help With Support (course starts on the 12th of March ) may also interest you..

Take care.. and I look forward to welcoming you on the call

With warm wishes


Vathani Navasothy
1st March 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Your Daily Bulimia Help on Facebook & Bill of Rights Self Esteem Booster For Bulimia Recovery

Hello Bulimia Busters!

How is your Bulimia recovery coming along ?

If you are lacking in some daily injections of inspirations to quit bulimia.. then check out my Facebook Page Free Eating Disorder Awareness Week Help , specially allocated to help sufferers like you get that free incentive to seek treatment advice, recover with the right kind of advice, tips, hints, and provoking thoughts without cost being the issue.
So it's all FREE!!!

This daily tips, advice, strategies and inspirations are available right thorough the month of February and through till the 10th of March ..so DO take advantage of it now .

I also have another little bonus for you, to build, increase and boost your self esteem, personal skills, whilst working on your eating disorder treatment, seeking help with eating, and figuring out how to be assertive in your every day life. Watch this short video on Personal Bill of Rights you ought to practice daily to improve self esteem and body image ..so you can once again learn to love you for who you are, without bulimia dis-empowering you!

I wish you great joy in being YOU and a speedy recovery!

With warm wishes
Vathani Navasothy
ps: Remember to register for your Free Bulimia Recovery Q&A

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2012 - Free Help For Bulimia

International Eating Disorder Week 2012 -Your Help

“Your FREE Daily Face Book Help & 3 Opportunities To Feel Better!”

In aid of the Eating Disorder Awareness Week 27th of February - 3rd March 2012, I have started to offer you Daily Tips, Strategies, Advice and Inspirations on Face Book Page Eating Disorder Awareness Week - Your Help. As well as two free teleseminars and one free Drop-in Day.

DO look me up on FB to benefit from DAILY Tips and make sure you sign up for the free webinars on Tuesday 28th and Thursday 1st March bulimia dilemma, struggles so I can offer you advice, tips and strategies for your treatment & recovery.

Teleseminar will be held on Tuesday 28th @ 8pm –9pm GMT/ 3pm EST/12pm PST. This 60minute free call is intended for sufferers, loved ones, and professionals
working with Eating Disorders. The call will offer you information, advice, and guidance on any conditions such as Anorexia, Bulimia or Binge eating including
Orthorexia , food phobias and Obesity.
To register go to: www.awakeningdawn.com
Or click on the link below:

If you suffer from Bulimia, and looking to start your new life with professional bulimia help, then the 2nd teleseminar on Thursday 1st of March @ 8pm GMT/ 3pm EST/ 12pm PST is for you. It will look at your Bulimia recovery in detail with tips and strategise to help you move forward without overeating or the need for any
compensatory behaviours. To register go to: www.bulimiahope.com
or click on the link below:

You can post your question and have it answered on the call, without even needing to take active part in it. You have the flexibility of listening to these
free eating disorder Q&A calls via telephone or webcast (internet) options.
* Recordings will be provided if you register.

Date: Wednesday 29th February 2011
Time: 9am – 9pm GMT (By appointments only)
Booking: Call 00 44 0208 653 7177 or e-mail: info@awakeningdawn.com
Eating Disorder Clinic (UK):
Awakening Dawn, in Thornton Heath, Croydon CR7 (Zone 4)
You can also take advantage of skype based session, no matter where you are in the WORLD! Advance booking essential)
Open to friends, family and sufferer of an eating disorder .
Information, support and advice available throughout the day.
Please book your one hour appointment in advance to avoid any double booking.

Life is too short to wonder "what life would be like without your bulimia "...so take action now & feel better sooner !

With warm wishes


Vathani Navasothy
ED Specialist, Counsellor, Bulimia Self Help Author, Group Facilitator, Webinarian/Teleseminarian, Trainer & Key note speaker
