Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstic Greetings from BulimiaHope !

Hello Bulimia Beaters !

Today marks the Summer solstic, which simply indicates the earth in it's closest axis to the Sun ; giving us the mid point of the year..where the sun is at it's stongest depending on which hemisphere you are.

What's the relevance to you, if you are trying to recovering from Bulimia ?

Symbolically, this could be the mid point of your summer ..or even mid point of recovery ..a time where your bulimia anxieties around your body image, size, shape, chaotic bingeing and purging could be at their all time high ..desparately seeking to put an end to this madness and recover from bulimia.

Perhaps you are feeling that you cannot get to a point in your life, any lower than this ..whilst others around you are very much enjoying life and all it's blessings ?

You may be shaped by the external pressure to be seen in slim line or see-through minimal clothings, causing additional emotional havoc when trying to fit in like others around you?

Whatever your case may be, we here at BulimiaHope would like to help YOU enjoy the best of the season, and the glorious hights of what your summer has to offer you!

Over the next 7 days, we'd like to hear from you..with your burning questions, struggles and area where you feel defeated by your bulimia.

Post your questions /dilemmas here, or directly to me at : and we shall cover the solutions, tips, strategies exclusively for you over the coming weeks!

You could be re-inforcing your bulimic behaviours each day don't waste time thinking about your bulimia recovery - just get typing and get some true HOPE for a successful summer !

Here's looking forward to your bulimia recovery questions!

with warm wishes


Vathani Navasothy
Co-founder of / Bulimia Counsellor

Monday, March 08, 2010

You CAN Beat Bulimia if you think you can!

Hello Bulimia Beaters!

Here's an inspirational poem By Raymond Holliwell, for you to print out and read everyday!

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you won't!
If you'd like to win but think you can't, it's almost a cinch you wont!
If you think you'll lose, you've lost, for out in the world
we find success begins with ther person's will.
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you're outclassed, you are!
You have got to think high to rise.
You got to be sure of your self before you can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or the faster ones.
But sooner or later, the person who wins is the person who thinks they can"
Bulimia recovery is the same WILL succeed provided you think you CAN!
No more room for self doubts, second guesses, and defeated thoughts folks!
It's time to rise and walk in the direction you wish to carve your bulimia free path!
Happy World's Women Day !
with warm wishes
Vathani Navasothy

Monday, February 22, 2010

International Eating Disorder Awareness Week 21-27th February 2010

Good Day to you all Bulimia Recovers!

Today marks the start of the International Eating Disorder Awareness Week!

To kick this off, we at BulimiaHope have lined up a free 60minute, informative and helpful Question and Answer Teleseminar for you TODAY !

Yes that's today Monday 22nd of February at 7pm GMT if you are in UK, 2pm EST , 12pm PST, and 6am EDT if you are in these time bands.

Don't miss your opportunity to post a question on your bulimia struggles, bulimia help request, motivation solutions, bulimia treatments and recovery advice.

As a treat you will also hear from a client speak about her own journey to bulimia you can be inspired and see how real the possibilies of your recovery, truly is !!

To register and get your call details click this link :

Even if you cannot make the call LIVE, you will get call recording PROVIDED you register..

So do register now and accelerate your bulimia recovery!

With warm wishes

Vathani Navasothy
Bulimia Specialist

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

BULIMIA RECOVERY - 2 free ways to help beat your Bulimia during EDAW 2010 (21-27Feb)

Hi Everyone !

The International Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2010 is almost upon us !

So we here at BulimiaHope have decided to host TWO opportunities for you to seek that help easily , effortlessly and at no cost to you at all.

This offer wont be repeated, so if you are sitting on the fence about your bulimia recovery..time to act is NOW !!!!

Option 1:

Join our Question and Answer Teleseminar on Monday 22nd of February for an hour at
7pm GMT / 2pm EST / 11am PST.
Click on the link below to register and get your call details:

NB: Recording will be available after the if you cannot attend, still sing up and post your important question to we can answer it for you during the call.

Option 2:

Drop-in Day on the 23rd February
Time : 9am-9pm GMT / 4am-4pm EST / 1am-1pm PST

Would you like some advice, support or information to recover from your bulimia?
Either come along in person or speak to us over the phone (no matter where you are) to take advantage of your FREE one hour session.

This one day Drop-in Service can provide a flexible bulimia support service for anyone who do not necessarily want an ongoing counselling right now, or if you are uncertain about the best sort of support for your bulimia then this may be a good starting point.

During the hour you will have an opportunity to discuss whatever problems or issues that are causing you difficulties in your every day life. Although this is not a full counselling session as such, it will provide you with some safe space and time to consider how your bingeing and purging , laxative abuse or over exercising habits are affecting you and explore possible ways forward.

Please DO BOOK your appointment in advance. No sessions can be offered without it!

To book your one hour face to face or telephone session, please ring UK 0208 653 7177 or
e-mail me at

You have nothing to lose and every bit of freedom to gain. So what would motivate you to feel better today?

Get in touch, no matter where you are in the world !

warm wishes

Vathani Navasothy
Bulimia Specialist / Counsellor/ Group Facilitator / Broadcaster / Self Help Author

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hi Bulimia Beaters !

Hope your bulimia recovery has stepped on to the right path , with right focus and right energy this 2010?

Even after 22 days under our belts this brand New Year ...I hope your recovery is taking shape smoothly, and every day you are gathering more momentum and hope.

If you are like many dieters and weight watchers having a shaky start to beating your bulimia....then you are going to be glad to see some help options open to you at
For a start we now offer you

So do visit our website BulimiaHope and see what takes your you CAN kick start your year with the best of intentions to enjoy the rest of your year!

Before I sign off, let me leave you with the words of Kobi Yamada :

"The future is sending back good wishes, and waiting with open arms"'s up to you to decide when would be a good time to take that active step forward!

Go on, TAKE that step forward!

warm wishes
