Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Winter Blues, Chaotic Bulimia & Your 7 Day Bulimia Stabilizer challenge

 Dear Recovery Hopeful, 

Hope this growing colder weather finds you well and in good form ?  

It is usual to see a dip in our blood Endorphin & Serotonin, that makes us all feel depressed around the darkening days..but with added challenge of binging & purging of bulimia or over exercising to keep ahead of weight gain , your challenge becomes that much harder. 

Knowing this, I have decided to run the 7 Day Bulimia Stabilizer Challenge using the  BULIMIA HOPE facebook page, I created not long ago. This behavioral and cognitive  challenge was a great success the 1st time around back in September, so I want to help you gain some control back again at a time, most sufferers could do with that extra help, support, and therapeutic guidance if you are still needing it ? Especially from someone who's been treating bulimia sufferers world over for the past 10 years, may reassure you, knowing you are in good hands! 

Please visit : Bulimia Hope FB Page to pick up your daily challenge and instructions over the next 7 days and beyond!

Challenge Start  Date : Wednesday 31st of October  although you can start from any time you wish - my recommendation IS to follow with me to gain some momentum and support with the relevant daily tasks and challenges. 

You can always mail me any specific question or dilemma at : Vathani@bulimiahope.com Or connect to me via my new Twitter account : @VathanisWords. 

* To get you thinking about you, just work out what it would take to own this statement away from hours lost to current bulimic trends

In the mean time do jot me a line and let me know how you are doing, and if there's anything I can do to help you progress along..please get in touch :-)

Here's wishing you well always 
With warmest wishes
Vathani Navasothy
Bulimia Specialist, Counsellor, Group/ Workshop facilitator, Self-help Author, Webinarian , Motivational Speaker
Useful Bulimia You Tube videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/BulimiaHope
0208 653 7177 (Dial +00 44 if calling from outside of UK)

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