Monday, May 13, 2013

Free Monthly Help Online For Your Bulimia With A Q&A Webinar - Next date 14th May

Greetings Bulimia Busters !

Sorry it's been a while since I last posted!

I hope you have by now found me on Facebook : Bulimia Hope Page or twitter as VathanisWords.

Our monthly Bulimia Recovery Help Online is coming along strong and I wanted to make sure you are part of that help too.

So here are the details:

 So what do you want answered on this call: A) Bulimic Habits? B ) Relapses? C) Health Concerns?
D) Eating Normally? or E) Realtionships and  SelfLove ?

GO to and click the Webinar Help tap to register for this Monthly Free call.. You only have to sign up once and you will be notifed automatically well in advance before each webinar is due. 
Next date: 14th May 2013

Remember to post me your burning bulimia struggle I can answer in confidence on the call for you.. 

Look forward to helping you move forward with Hope!

With warm wishes ~ Vathani 

Vathani Navasothy - Bulimia Specialist

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