Monday, February 21, 2011

Eating Disorder Week Is Here ! Your FREE Bulimia Help

Millions of people are suffering from Bulimia Nervosa world over!

World of a bulimic or a binge eater could be alarming, littered with depression, dejection and despair. Most sufferers with their damaged body image and low self-esteem, have a seriously unhealthy relationship with food and their mental attitude.

You don't have to be part of this statistic !

What horrifies me is the sheer number of people undiagnosed or wrongly diagnosed by their own doctors, without the special knowledge in eating disorders. Silently sufferers hope, going to a diet club or following a restrictive meal plan will cure them of their disorderly eating and unhealthy mind, and we know this doesn’t work !

The diet mind set only amplifies the existing bulimia. This is why we at BulimiaHope, feel passionatly about offering frequent opportunities or affordable treatments to help empower those who really need that timely diagnosis and treatment solutions.

We want BulimiaHope to give back people, their hope and a healthy body-mind connection which is their birth right!

Do visit our website : to join all the FREE activities and offer of help during this eating disorder awareness week folks!

with warm wishes


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